[Ps3] Asbestos Installer V2.0
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PS3 Linux enthusiasts can now rejoice, as several devs have achieved bringing back the open source operating system.. Kmeaw: kmeaw: it is gentoo kmeaw: marcan's rootfs stunt****: does your linux install have access to gameos from within linux and also to all spus?Kmeaw: no kmeaw: it doesn't need usb stick kmeaw: linux has access to all spus kmeaw: gentoo is running from my laptop's hdd kmeaw: but if you change your kernel parameters then you can install it on ps3's hdd like marcan did Lush: is this a different approach than graf_chokolo? Kmeaw: i don't change VFLASH GraFfiX: kmeaw:does X launch? Kmeaw: haven't tried yet but I think of a reason why it shouldn't kmeaw: Xfbdev will definitely work kmeaw: in this video ps3 boots gentoo from the network via nfs kmeaw: laptop's harddrive partition is exported using nfs kernel server GraFfiX: is nfs efficient? GraFfiX: like speed-wise kmeaw: yes, i have a home NAS exported via nfs kmeaw: works faster for me than samba kmeaw: there are no full support for rsx yet kmeaw: s/are/is/ GraFfiX: kmeaw:do you see any reason why xbmc would not run when we have full rsx? Stunt****: someone has to code a driver for the video stunt****: right kmeaw: no kmeaw: when we have full rsx support in linux drivers, then everything should work kmeaw: i have released asbestos installer kmeaw: however, it will need some network services configured (DHCP, TFTP and NFS) to make it work kmeaw: see marcan42's for more information kmeaw: note that asbestos requires kmeaw: it won't work with v8.. In other news, Graf_Chokolo has been hard at work restoring OtherOS installer to the PS3, another method for booting Linux.. Allowing users to boot a Linux kernel from GameOS with the use of LV2Patcher v9. https://distracted-snyder-97f323.netlify.app/Ntfs-For-Mac-Os-Yosemite
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Please do not hesitate to share the experience. HV hacking is great fun Compiling now my own Linux kernel on PS3 itself About us Se7enSins caters to all types of gamers across the globe, aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more.. 0; XMB eEIDx Dumper by Evilnat; XMB I practically implemented Dual Boot feature GameOS OtherOS in the Hypervisor Linux is not the only OS which can be booted like this from PS3 HDD.. 5 MB) (111 43 KB) (14 83 MB) (223 29 MB)| Mirror1 Here is what kmeaw had to say AsbestOS via IRC. HERE
And here we go Linux is officially back on PS3 3 41 Its even better now It has all GameOS features, it has access to all HDD, VFLASH and FLASH regions.. Now we dont need GameOS anymore to run our code, no need anymore for SELFs and we can start now programming our own games on PS3 on Linux I will make everything public And greetings to SONY Hand me over the maintance and implementation of PS3 Hypervisor I will improve it and maintain for free We all will benefit. 3
Today he was successful in his mission and unveiled pictures of Linux booting on a 3.. 41 console Expect a release from Graf_Chokolo coming soon AsbestOS Download: (1. 0041d406d9 HERE
With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone.. It can communicate with Dispatcher Manager, Update Manager, SYSCON Manager, it can run isolated SPUs, and of course RSX I uploaded some screenshots of the Debian distribution i installed on my PS3 HDD.. CFW AsbestOS Hybrid Loader by MrGatz85 and Cael AsbestOS Installer v1 5 A V1 0; WinDos Final; Wipe History v2.. The Debian distribution is a just normal PPC64 Linux without any modification, all i changed was my dutifully and beloved Hypervisor I modified the Hypervisor so far that it boots the Linux bootloader petitiboot from VFLASH and petitboot loads the Linux distribution installed on a HDD region. Click